Kevlar Embedded Security

The most robust system hardening capability available on the market for embedded Linux systems.




Secure embedded linux devices


Star Lab’s Kevlar Embedded Security offers the most robust device hardening capabilities available on the market today for embedded Linux systems. Designed using a threat model that assumes an attacker will gain access to your system, Kevlar Embedded Security provides cyber resiliency, insider threat protection, and remote attack defenses.


Implement cyber resiliency to maintain operations, even after a successful compromise


Kevlar Embedded Security includes protections that limit an attacker’s ability to impact operations or to gain administrative access.

Forbid the execution of unauthorized applications and libraries like malware

Defeat software vulnerability-exploiting attacks

Ensure the Linux kernel is not modified at runtime

Prevent malicious modifications of device firmware


 use throughout a device’s lifecycle


Kevlar Embedded Security includes a testing suite as well as capabilities to monitor the health and performance of fielded devices.


Validate the successful integration of security capabilities using security checks and simulated attacks.

Capture and forward information (telemetry data) about a device’s state and security posture; easily consume this data with available security information and event management (SIEM) solutions.

Testing added to a continuous integration and continuous test environment and execute upon every check-in


Build The os to reduce vulnerabilities and defeat remote attacks

Kevlar Embedded Security removes unnecessary OS functionality which could help an attacker or insider gain access to a device or defeat access controls.

Configure the Linux kernel so to disallow techniques commonly used to modify a device and raise defenses to common memory attack techniques.

Force network settings that use secure protocols and enable protective firewall rules for your device.


Product Datasheet


