Kevlar Embedded Security
layered cybersecurity for embedded systems
Secure your Yocto-based embedded system and address cybersecurity requirements with flexibility and agility.
Secure your Yocto-based embedded system and address cybersecurity requirements with flexibility and agility.
Kevlar Embedded Security provides defense-in-depth to your Linux-based embedded device by applying layers of protection throughout the Linux software stack.
Prevent an attacker from gaining a foothold on your system by eliminating commonly used attack vectors.
Kevlar Embedded Security integrates with the same tools you currently rely on to configure, customize, and build your embedded operating system.
Minimize costly modifications to your continuous integration environment by leveraging Kevlar Embedded Security’s Yocto-compliant approach.
Kevlar Embedded Security lets you choose how much (or how little) security you layer into your embedded system.
Balance performance and security by applying only the security layers necessary to address your most critical threats.
Securing your system is no longer as simple as preventing entry.
We have to assume that the attacker is already in.
The cybersecurity industry today is focused on delivering solutions that prevent entry into a system.
We have to go beyond bolt-on prevention tactics to build security into systems from the start, so they are resilient to successful attacks.
Star Lab’s Kevlar System Inspector is a sophisticated, comprehensive way to assess your system for weaknesses in your embedded Linux.